After trying some standard 7m and 6.3m aluminium boats, it became clear that 7m was too large for regular use by a single person, while 6.3m was a bit tight for some family activities. The scaling flexibility of the Prophil allowed to make a custom version of 6.5m combining space, fuel economy, comfort and performances.

The hull lines come from a scale down of the Prophil-699, well known along the French Atlantic coast. Most of the top arrangement has been customised though: a wide stand-up cabin, rounded stern, bow steering, a strong support for hauler, etc. During this design work, attention has been paid to stability, performance impact and general aesthetics.

The Prophil-650, with a Yamaha 200HP engine mounted on the transom, achieves a top speed of 42kt in light wind conditions. But most importantly, the fuel consumption at a cruising speed of 21kt is as low as 0.8L/NM. The boat performance in waves is exceptional too: good behavior, silent slamming, exceptional comfort and safety feeling.